
CATTI备考 | 中国时政术语标准英译 · 经济领域



上期内容回顾:CATTI备考 | 中国时政术语标准英译 · 政治领域





* 该部分共84条术语

1. 坚持按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存
multiple modes of distribution in the principle of “to each according to his work”

2. 经济治理基础数据库
a basic database for economic governance a prime database for economic governance

3. 发展才是硬道理 Development is what really matters to all.

4. 农业农村优先发展
to prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas 

5. 经济快速发展奇迹和社会长期稳定奇迹
the miracle of rapid economic growth and sustained social stability 

6. 农村集体产权制度改革
the reform of the rural collective property rights system 

7. 管资本为主的国有资产监管体制
a state assets regulation system that focuses on capital 

8. 市场准入负面清单制度 a negative list for market access

9. 竞争政策基础地位
the fundamental role of competition policies 

10. 具有高度适应性、竞争力、普惠性的现代金融体系
a modern financial system that is adaptive, competitive, and inclusive 

11. 开放型经济新体制 the new system of open economy 

12. 外商投资准入前国民待遇
pre-establishment national treatment for foreign investment

13. 自由贸易试验区、自由贸易港 pilot free trade zones and free trade ports 

14. 构建区域协调发展新机制
to establish new mechanisms on coordinated regional development to put in place new mechanisms for coordinated development across different regions

15. 粤港澳大湾区 
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 

16. 改进领导经济工作的方式方法 
to improve the ways and methods of leading economic work

17. 促进经济总体平稳发展 
to promote the stable growth of the economy on the whole

18. 消除金融领域隐患 to defuse financial risks

19. 推动先进制造业和现代服务业融合发展 
to boost the integrated development of advanced manufacturing and modernized services

20. 做好民营企业重大风险防范化解工作
 to forestall and defuse major risks of private enterprises

21. 保护走出去企业合法权益 
to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises operating overseas 

 to maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve people’s wellbeing, guard against risks, and ensure stability 

23. 高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段 
to transition from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of highquality development to move from rapid growth to high-quality development 

24. 营造有利于创新创业创造的良好发展环境 
to create a development environment conducive to innovation, startups, and entrepreneurship 

25. 探索海峡两岸融合发展新路 
to explore a new way of integrated development on both sides of the Taiwan Straits

26. 加快推动绿色制造 
to accelerate efforts for green manufacturing 

27. 形成全国统一开放、竞争有序的商品和要素市场 
to form a unified, open, competitive and orderly market for all commodities and production factors throughout the country

28. 完善财政转移支付制度
 to improve the financial transfer payment system 

29.“十四五”时期 the 14th Five-Year Plan period

30. 开放合作的世界经济 
an open world economy through cooperation 

31. 开放创新的世界经济 
an open world economy with innovation 

32. 开放共享的世界经济 
an open world economy for mutual benefits 

33. 扩大市场开放 to open up the market 

34. 优化营商环境 to improve the business environment 

35. 深化多双边合作
 to continue multilateral and bilateral cooperation 

36. 转方式、调结构、增动力 
to change growth model, improve economic structure, and gather new growth momentum

37. 推动形成全面开放新格局 
to make new ground in pursuing opening up on all fronts

38. 扩大对外开放 to open wider to the outside world 

39. 海南自由贸易港 Hainan Free Trade Port 

40. 自由贸易协定 free trade agreement 

41. 西部大开发
 to develop West China development of the western region

42. 振兴东北地区等老工业基地 
to revitalize the old industrial bases in the Northeast and other parts of China

43. 促进中部地区崛起 to energize the central region

44. 分类精准施策 
to implement sector-specific and targeted policies

45. 主体功能约束有效、国土开发有序 
effective constraints on the main functions and orderly land development 

46. 市场一体化发展机制 
mechanism of integrated market development 

47. 区域合作机制 regional cooperation mechanism 

48. 推动东北全方位振兴
 to promote all-round revitalization of Northeast China

49. 产业振兴 industrial revitalization 

50. 补齐农村基础设施短板 to improve rural infrastructure

51.《深化粤港澳合作 推进大湾区建设框架协议》 
Framework Agreement on Deepening Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation in the Development of the Greater Bay Area 

Mainland and Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement 

53. 做好珠澳合作开发横琴这篇文章
to promote cooperation of Zhuhai and Macao in joint development of the Hengqin region

54. 中国将着力营造尊重知识价值的营商环境 
China will spare no effort to foster a business environment that respects the value of knowledge.

55. 我们不刻意追求贸易顺差 
China does not seek trade surplus.

56. 国际宏观经济政策协调机制 
international macroeconomic policy coordination mechanism

57. 达成区域全面经济伙伴关系协定 
to push for a conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) 

58. 数字经济和实体经济融合发展 
integrated development of digital economy and real economy

59. 数字基础设施建设 digital infrastructure construction 

60. 外资企业投诉机制 
a complaint mechanism for foreign-funded companies

61. 提高行政效能规范服务市场 
to improve administrative efficiency and regulate the service market 

62. 侵权惩罚性赔偿制度 
a punitive compensation mechanism for intellectual property infringement 

63. 中日韩自由贸易协定谈判 
China-Japan-ROK free trade agreement negotiations 

64. 经济运行稳中有变、变中有忧 
The performance of the economy is punctuated by changes, some of which give cause for concern.

65. 巩固“三去一降一补”成果 
to consolidate the achievement through cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness 

66. 增强微观主体活力 to invigorate micro entities

67. 完善资本市场基础性制度 
to improve the basic systems of the capital market

68. 稳步推进金融业关键信息基础设施国产化
to steadily promote the localization of key information infrastructure in the financial industry 

69. 加快金融市场基础设施建设
to speed up the construction of financial market infrastructure

70. 金融风险 financial risk 

71. 提升产业链水平 to upgrade industrial chains 

72. 畅通国民经济循环 
to ensure unimpeded flows in the economy 

73. 中欧投资协定谈判 
negotiations on a China-EU investment agreement 

74. 推动“非禁即入”普遍落实 
to promote across-the-board implementation of the policy of “entry unless on the list”

75. 经济外交、人文交流成果丰硕 
rich fruits yielded through economic diplomacy as well as cultural and people-to-people exchanges 

Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong KongMacao Greater Bay Area

Plan for Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta Region

78.《中国农业产业发展报告 2019》
 China Agricultural Development Report 2019 

79. 国际一流湾区 international first-class bay area 

80. 世界级城市群 world-class city cluster 

81. 干线铁路、城际铁路、市域郊铁路、城市轨道交通 “四网融合” 
integration of “the four networks” – trunk railways, intercity railways, suburban railways and urban railways integration of “the four networks” – trunk, intercity, suburban, and urban railways

82. 大兴国际机场“凤凰展翅” 
Daxing International Airport: Phoenix Spreading Its Wings

83. 第二届中国国际进口博览会 
The Second China International Import Expo

84. 极限施压 extreme pressure 





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